① 口腔粘膜疾患の癌化に関わる研究
② 顎変形手術とアンチエイジングに関する研究
③ 有限要素法と4次元咀嚼筋解析システムによるスクエアマンディブルの病態解析
④ 進行性下顎頭吸収の病態解明に関する研究
⑤ 口腔がん 頸部リンパ節微小転移機構の解明
⑥ 早期診断光学機器による初期口腔がん鑑別の有用性に関する研究
⑦ 再生医療に向けたヒト味蕾オルガノイドの作製
① 唾液分泌促進により消化管機能の改善に寄与する新規治療法の開発
② 骨・骨膜間空隙の拡大による骨増量法の確立
③ 金属アレルギーの病態解明に関する研究
④ 変形性顎関節症の病態解明に関する研究
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Kazuya Honda, Yoshiki Hamada, Ken-Ichiro Ejima, Naoki Tsukimura, Koji Kino. Interventional radiology of synovial chondromatosis in the TMJ using a thin arthroscope. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 37 (4): 232-235, 2008. |
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Shoji Yamane, Satoru Ishida, Yukie Hanamoto, Ken-ichi Kumagai, Riako Masuda, Konagi Tanaka, Noriyuki Shiobara, Noriko Yamane, Toshihito Mori, Takuo Juji, Naoshi Fukui, Tsunetoshi Itoh, Takahiro Ochi, Ryuji Suzuki. Proinflammatory role of amphiregulin, an epidermal growth factor family member whose expression is augmented in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Journal of Inflammation 27:5:5, 2008. |
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Yoshiki Hamada, Anders B. Holmlund, Toshirou Kondoh, Kazutoshi Nakaoka, Hideki Sekiya, Noriyuki Shiobara, Akito Gotoh, Kenichi Kumagai, Ryuji Suzuki, Kanichi Seto. Severity of arthroscopically observed pathology and levels of inflammatory cytokines in the synovial fluid before and after visually guided temporomandibular joint irrigation correlated with the clinical outcome in patients with chronic closed lock. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 106 (3): 343-349, 2008. |
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Akito Gotoh, Yoshiki Hamada, Noriyuki Shiobara, Kenichi Kumagai, Kanichi Seto, Tatsuya Horikawa, Ryuji Suzuki. Skew in T cell receptor usage with polyclonal expansion in lesions of oral lichen planus without hepatitis C virus infection. Clin Exp Immunol 154 (2): 192-201, 2008. |
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Kaori Katakami, Akira Mishima, Kazunari Shiozaki, Shinji Shimoda, Yoshiki Hamada, Kaoru Kobayashi. Characteristics of accessory mental foramina observed on limited cone-beam computed tomography images. J Endod 34 (12): 1441-1445, 2008. |
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Koji Kawaguchi, Hiroyuki Yamada, Naoki Iida, Akihasa Horie, Junichi Sato, Kanichi Seto. Sialodochoplasty to treat sialoliths using a microsurgical technique. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 46(7): 607-608, 2008. |
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Koizumi M, Saga T, Yoshikawa K, Suzuki K, Yamada S, Hasebe M, Ohashi S, Abd-Elrazek S, Ishikawa H, Sagou K, Tamura K, Hara R, Kato H, Yasuda S, Yanagi T, Tsujii H. (11)C-Methionine-PET for Evaluation of Carbon Ion Radiotherapy in Patients with Pelvic Recurrence of Rectal Cancer. Mol Imaging Biol 10(6): 374-380, 2008. |
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野村隆祥、川口浩司、佐藤淳一、松浦正朗、瀬戸晥一. 上顎洞挙上術で移植された自家骨とβ-TCP混合材の新生骨形成に関する肉眼的検討. 日本顎顔面インプラント学会誌7(3):197-203, 2008. |
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Tsuyoshi Hata, Masaru Hosoda, Yoshiki Hamada, Kaoru Kobayashi. Steroid-induced damage to the condyles in treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenia. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 38 (2): 193-195, 2009. |
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Mitsuyoshi Iino, Masayuki Fukuda, Hirokazu Nagai, Yoshiki Hamada, Hiroyuki Yamada, Kazutoshi Nakaoka, Yoshiyuki Mori, Chikazu Daichi, Hideto Saijo, Ichiro Seto, Kazumi Ohkubo, Tsuyoshi Takato. Evaluation of 15 mandibular reconstructions with DUMBACH TITAN MESH-System and particulate cancellous bone and marrow harvested from bilateral posterior ilia. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 107(4): e1-8, 2009. |
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Atobe Mami, Toshiko Sekiya, Kazutoshi Tamura, Yoshiki Hamada, Yoshiki Nakamura. Severe lateral open bite caused by multiple ankylosed teeth: A case report. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 107 (4): e14-e20, 2009. |
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Kazutoshi Nakaoka, Yoshiki Hamada, Anders B. Holmlund, Tomoyuki Saito, Go Arai, Toshikatsu Horiuchi, Akira Mishima, Kanichi Seto. The changes of joint effusion on MRI and arthroscopic findings after visually guided TMJ irrigation correlated to the clinical outcome. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 108(1): 99-104, 2009. |
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Kaori Katakami, Akira Mishima, Ami Kuribayashi, Shinji Shimoda, Yoshiki Hamada, Kaoru Kobayashi. Anatomical characteristics of the mandibular lingual foramina observed on limited cone-beam CT images. Clin Oral Implants Res 20(4): 386-390, 2009. |
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Hiroaki Takeda, Yoshiki Nakamura, Hideo Handa, Hiroaki Ishii, Yoshiki Hamada, Kanichi Seto. Examination of masticatory movement and rhythm before and after surgical orthodontics in skeletal class III patients with a unilateral posterior cross-bite. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 67(9): 1844-1849, 2009. |
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Koji Kawaguchi, Hiroyuki Yamada, Akihisa Horie, Kengo Sato. Radiosurgical treatment of maxillary squamaous cell carcinoma: Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 38(11): 1205-1207, 2009. |
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Yoshiyuki Mori, Hideto Saijo, Hisako Fujihara, Yoko Tanaka, Yuji Maeda, Noriko Hayashi, Daichi Chikazu, Mitsuyoshi Iino, Tsuyoshi Takato. Dermoid cyst with fistula on the dorsum of the dorsum of the tongue. Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 21: 51-53, 2009. |
9 | Yasuhiro Itsuki, Eisaku Imamura. A New Palatal Implant with Interchangeable Upper Units. J Clin Orthod 43(5): 318-323, 2009. |
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内田剛也、柏木恒毅、加部晶也、亀ヶ谷優里、今村栄作、伊藤公一. 広範型中等度~重度慢性歯周炎患者に行った包括的治療の一症例. 日本歯周病学会誌 51(1): 62-72, 2009 |
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野口和秀、濱田良樹、中谷安典、雨宮剛志. 長野松代総合病院歯科口腔外科における入院患者の動向と過去3年間の臨床統計的検討. k日本口腔診断学会雑誌 22(2):171-175, 2009. |
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堀江彰久、石井宏昭、堀江幹子、濱田良樹、川口浩司、齋藤知之、関谷秀樹.顎下部に生じ嚢胞内容に角化物と石灰化物を認めたリンパ上皮性嚢胞の1例. 鶴見歯学 35(2): 101-106, 2009. |
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関谷秀樹、濱田良樹、園山智生、福井暁子、川口浩司、瀬戸晥一、工藤泰一. 口腔悪性腫瘍術後の摂食嚥下障害に対する舌接触補助床を用いた機能回復法の有効性の検討 ―第1報:舌接触補助床使用群と非使用群の術後状態における比較― 顎顔面補綴 32 (2): 100-105, 2009. |
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五十嵐千浪、小林 馨、坂本春生、濱田良樹、小早川元博、宮本 諭、小佐野貴織、今村俊彦、柏原広美. 経過観察中における若年者顎関節症患者の下顎頭骨変化のMR画像検査による検討. 日本顎関節学会雑誌 21(3): 216-221, 2009. |
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近津大地、森良之、西條英人、藤原久子、飯野光喜、高戸毅. 口外法により下顎枝舌側部に再発したエナメル上皮腫を切除した1例. 日本口腔外科学会誌 55(5):241-245, 2009 |
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Kenichi Kumagai, Yoshiki Hamada, Anders B. Holmlund, Akito Gotoh, Kazutoshi Nakaoka, Go Arai, Shoji Yamane, Ryuji Suzuki. The levels of vascular endothelial growth factor in the synovial fluid correlated with the severity of arthroscopically observed synovitis and clinical outcome after temporomandibular joint irrigation in patients with chronic closed lock. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 109 (2): 185-190, 2010. |
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Hiroyuki Yamada, Kenji Mishima, Koji Kawaguchi, Toshikatsu Horiuchi, Kazutoshi Nakaoka, Mitsuyoshi Iino, Ichiro Saito, Yoshiki Hamada. A nodular buccal mass. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 110 (2): 140-144, 2010. |
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Kenichi Kumagai, Yoshiki Hamada, Akito Gotoh, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Koji Kawaguchi, Akihisa Horie, Hiroyuki Yamada, Satsuki Suzuki, Ryuji Suzuki. Evidence for the changes of antitumor immune response during lymph node metastasis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 110 (3): 341-350, 2010. |
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Hisako Fujihara, Daichi Chikazu, Hideto Saijo, Hideyuki Suenaga, Yoshiyuki Mori, Mitsuyoshi Iino, Yoshiki Hamada, Tsuyoshi Takato. Metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma into the mandible with radiographic findings mimicking a radicular cyst: A case report. J Endod 36 (9): 1593-1596, 2010. |
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Tomoyuki Saito, Hiroyuki Yamada, Kazutoshi Nakaoka, Akihisa Horie, Akira Mishima, Yoshiaki Nomura, Kaoru Kobayashi, Yoshiki Hamada. Risk factors for the poor clinical outcome of visually guided temporomandibular joint irrigation in patients with chronic closed lock. Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg 22 (3): 133-137, 2010. |
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Koji Kawaguchi, Kengo Sato, Akihisa Horie, Susumu Iketani, Hiroyuki Yamada, Yasunori Nakatani, Junichi Sato, Yoshiki Hamada. Stereotactic radiosurgery may contribute to overall survival for patients with recurrent head and neck carcinoma. Radiation Oncology 9(5): 51, 2010. |
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Takaaki Kamatani, Akihisa Horie, Hiroaki Ishii, Hideo Kasahara, Yoshiki Hamada, Yoshio Aida, Satoru Shintani. Primary malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the mandible: Report of a rare case with an immunohistochemical analysis. Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg 22: 212-215, 2010. |
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Kenichi Kumagai, Tatsuya Horikawa, Akito Gotoh, Shoji Yamane, Hiroyuki Yamada, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Yoshiki Hamada, Satsuki Suzuki, Ryuji Suzuki. Up-regulation of EGF receptor and its ligands AREG, EREG, and HB-EGF in oral lichen planus. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 110 (6): 748-754, 2010. |
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Mitsuhiko Hasebe, Kyosan Yoshikawa, Seiya Ohashi, Sachiko Toubaru, Koji Kawaguchi, Junichi Sato, Junetsu Mizoe, Hirohiko Tsujii. A Study on the Prognostic Evaluation of carbon ion radiotherapy for Head and Neck adenocarcinoma with C-11 Methionine PET: Mol Imaging Biol 12(5):554-562, 2010. |
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Hideto Saijo, Yoshiyuki Mori, Hisako Fujihara, Yuki Kanno, Daichi Chikazu, Kazuyo Ohkubo, Hisako Hikiji, Mitsuyoshi Iino, Yoshiyuki Yonehara, Tsuyoshi Takato. Evaluation and analysis of formation of bone at the palate in patients with cleft lip and palate after palatoplasty based on computed tomograms and three-dimensional data. Scand J Plast Surg Hand Surg 44:21-25, 2010 |
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Daichi Chikazu, Tetsushi Taguchi, Hiroyuki Koyama, Hisako Hikiji, Hisako Fujihara, Hiroyuki Suenaga, Hideto Saijo, Yoshiyuki Mori, Ichiro Seto, Mitsuyoshi Iino, Tsuyoshi Takato. Improvement in wound healing by a novel synthetic collagen-gel dressing in genetically diabetic mice. Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg 22(2):61-67, 2010 |
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Daichi Chikazu, Yumi Fujikawa, Hisako Fujihara, Hiroyuki Suenaga, Hideto Saijo, Kazumi Ohkubo, Toru Ogasawara, Yoshiyuki Mori, Mitsuyoshi Iino, Tsuyoshi Takato. Cyclooxygenase-2 activity is important in craniofacial fracture repair. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 40(3): 322-326, 2010 |
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Hisayo Yamaoka, Yoko Tanaka, Satoru Nishizawa, Yukiyo Asawa, Tsuyoshi Takato, Kazuto Hoshi. The application of atelocollagen gel in combination with porous scaffolds for cartilage tissue engineering and its suitable conditions. J Biomed Mater Res A 93(1): 123-132, 2010 |
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Kumiko Iwata, Yukiyo Asawa, Yuko Fujihara, Yoko Tanaka, Satoru Nishizawa, Tsuyoshi Takato, Kazuto Hoshi. The effects of rapid- or intermediate-acting insulin on the proliferation and differentiation of cultured chondrocytes. Curr Aging Sci 3(1): 26-33, 2010 |
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Yoko Tanaka, Hisayo Yamaoka, Satoru Nishizawa, Toru Ogasawara, Yukiyo Asawa, Yuko Fujihara, Tsuyoshi Takato, Kazuto Hoshi. The optimization of porous polymeric scaffolds for chondrocyte/atelocollagen based tissue-engineered cartilage. Biomaterials 31(16): 4506-4516, 2010 |
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中谷安典、堀江彰久、鈴木麻美、川口浩司、瀬戸晥一、濱田良樹. 広範な虫食い状骨破壊像を呈した下顎骨骨髄炎の1例. 鶴見歯学 36(1): 27-33, 2010. |
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野口和秀、濱田良樹、園山智生. 歯科用小照射野コーンビームCTを用いた二次的顎裂部骨移植の三次元的評価法 ―犬歯萌出前症例について― 日本口腔診断学会雑誌 23(1): 18-23, 2010. |
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新井 剛、濱田良樹、堀江彰久、山﨑陽子、中谷安典、石井義崇、園山智生. 右耳下腺に発生した基底細胞腺腫の1例. 日本口腔診断学会雑誌 23(1): 128-132, 2010. |
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堀内俊克、山田浩之、新井 剛、園山智生、中岡一敏、濱田良樹. オトガイ部に発生した軟骨様汗管腫の1例. 日本口腔外科学会雑誌 56(6): 376-379, 2010. |
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下田正穂、堀江彰久、冨田文貞、中島敏文、園山智生、新井 剛、濱田良樹. 右側頬粘膜下に発生した粘液嚢胞の1例. 日本口腔診断学会雑誌 23(2):236-239, 2010. |
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関谷秀樹、園山智生、濱田良樹、福井暁子、川口浩司、関谷秀雄、瀬戸晥一、工藤泰一. 口腔悪性腫瘍術後の摂食・嚥下障害に対する舌接触補助床を用いた機能回復の検討 ―第2報:新しい製作法と従来法との比較― 顎顔面補綴 33 (2): 45-51, 2010. |
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野村隆祥、川口浩司、松浦正朗、瀬戸晥一、池谷 進、佐藤淳一、濱田良樹. 熱転写画像を応用したアクリルレジン軽量エピテーゼの製作法と3症例. 顎顔面補綴 33 (2): 52-58, 2010. |
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Kaori Fukami, Kazuya Shiozaki, Akira Mishima, Shinji Shimoda, Yoshiki Hamada , Kaoru Kobayashi. Detection of buccal perimandibular neurovascularisation associated with accessory foramina using limited cone-beam computed tomography and gross anatomy. Surgical Radiology and Anatomy 33: 141-146, 2011. |
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Takaaki Kamakani, Chunnan Li, Yoko Yamasaki, Yoshiki Hamada, Seiji Kondo, Satoru Shintani. Expression of p53 and Ki-67 in proliferative verrucous leukoplakia and surrounding epithelium of the tongue: A report of immunohistochemical study. Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg 23 (3): 146-149, 2011. |
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Fukui N, Ikeda Y, Tanaka N, Masahiro Wake, Yamaguchi T, Mitomi H, Ishida S, Furukawa H, Yoshiki Hamada, Miyamoto Y, Sawabe M, Tashiro T, Katsuragawa Y, Tohma S. ・・・・・integrin promotes dedifferentiation of monolayer-cultured articular chondrocytes. Arthritis and Rheumatism 63 (7): 1938-49, 2011. |
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中島敏文、斎藤知之、堀内俊克、新井 剛、清水 一、濱田良樹. 下顎枝部に発生した大きなOsseous Dysplasia -2回法による摘出を適用した1例-. 日本口腔診断学会雑誌 24(2):246-249, 2011. |
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中谷逸希、山田浩之、中岡一敏、堀江彰久、中島敏文、新井 剛、清水 一、亀井和利、小早川元博、濱田良樹. 高気圧酸素療法を適用した経口ビスフォスフォネート製剤による下顎骨壊死の1例. 日本口腔診断学会雑誌 24(3):314-319, 2011. |
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Go Tsumuraya, Hiroyuki Yamada, Yoshiaki Nomura Y, Yoshiki Hamada. Risk factors for postoperative complications relating to the removal of impacted mandibular third molar in Japanese. 鶴見歯学 37(2):65-76, 2011. |
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黒田(澤井)玲子、佐々木裕、西川智子、黒田和道、桜井孝治、山本樹生、清水一史. カリン中ポリフェノール画分による新型インフルエンザウイルスの感染抑制効果. 日本食品科学工学会誌 58(10): 496-498, 2011 |
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Koji Kawaguchi, Kengo Sato, Hiroyuki Yamada, Akihisa Horie, Takayoshi Nomura, Susumu Iketani, Ikuyo Kanai, Satoshi Suzuki, Yasunori Nakatani, Yoshiki Hamada. Stereotactic radiosurgery in combination with chemotherapy as primary treatment for head and neck cancer. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 70 (2): 461-472, 2012. |
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Minoru Ito, Kenichi Kumagai, Nobuoki Sakai, Yutaka Fukushima, Yoshiki Hamada. Penetrating transoral cranial injury by a chopstick through the jugular foramen: Report of a case. J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol 24 (2): 101-105, 2012. |
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Tsuyoshi Amemiya, Kazutoshi Nakaoka, Yoshiki Hamada, Tohru Hayakawa. Effect of porosity of titanium web on cortical bone response. J Hard Tissue Biology 21 (2): 103-108, 2012. |
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Wataru Okada, Tadayoshi Fukui, Tomoyuki Saito, Chikahiro Ohkubo, Yoshiki Hamada, Yoshiki Nakamura. Interdisciplinary treatment of an adult with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 141: S149-S158, 2012. |
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Kaori Fukami, Kazuya Shiozaki, Akira Mishima, Ami Kuribayashi, Yoshiki Hamada, Kaoru Kobayashi. Bifid mandibular canal: confirmation of limited cone beam CT findings by gross anatomical and histological investigations. Dentmaxillofac Radiol 41: 460-465, 2012. |
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Tomoko Nishikawa, Kazufumi Shimizu, Torahiko Tanaka, Kazumichi Kuroda, Tadatoshi Takayama, Tatsuo Yamamoto, Nobuhiro Hanada, Yoshiki Hamada. Bacterial neuraminidase rescues influenza virus replication from inhibition by a neuraminidase inhibitor. PLOS ONE 7 (9): e45371, 2012. |
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Hiroyuki Yamada, Yoshiki Hamada, Hisako Fijihara, Kaori Fukami, Kenji Mishima, Kazutoshi Nakaoka, Kenichi Kumagai, Eisaku Imamura. Solitary fibrous tumor of the buccal space resected in combination with coronoidectomy. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 114 (1): e9-e14, 2012. |
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Tohru Hayakawa, Chihiro Mochizuki, Hiroki Hara, Tsuyoshi Amemiya, Satoshi Hirayama, Fei Yang, Hong Shen, Shenguo Wang, Yoshiki Hamada, Mitsunobu Sato. Cortical bone response towards porous composites of PLGA and apatite prepared from calcium complexes. J Hard Tissue Biology 21 (4): 345-350, 2012. |
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Yu Fukuda, Susumu Imai, Yoshiki Hamada, Nobuhiro Hanada. Tryptic Soy agar supplemented with bacitracin represents a remarkable advancement as a selective culture medium for Streptococcus anginosus. Asian Pac J Dent 12 (2): 37-44, 2012. |
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Naoko Seki, Uhi Toh, Koji Kawaguchi, Masayuki Ninomiya, Mamoru Koketsu, Kunitomo Watanabe, Masatora Aoki, Teruhiko Fujii, Anna Nakamura, Yoshito Akagi, Jingo Kusukawa, Masayoshi Kage, Kazuo Shirouzu, Hideaki Yamana. Tricin inhibits proliferation of human hepatic stellate cells in vitro by blockingtyrosine phosphorylation of PDGF receptor and its signaling pathways. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 113(7): 2346–2355, 2012 |
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Tamura K, Yoshikawa K, Ishikawa H, Hasebe M, Tsuji H, Yanagi T, Suzuki K, Kubo A, Tsujii H. Carbon-11-methionine PET imaging of choroidal melanoma and the time course after carbon ion beam radiotherapy. Anticancer Res. 29(5): 1507-1514, 2012 |
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Seiya Ohashi, Kyosan Yoshikawa , Junetsu Mizoe, Koji kawaguchi. Diagnostic performance of MET-PET/CT with respect to cervical lymph node metastasis: A study on the diagnostic accuracy for each tissue of primary cancer in head and neck region. 鶴見歯学 38(1): 1-12, 2012 |
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園山智生、濱田良樹、堀内俊克、関谷秀樹. 上顎欠損患者に対するキックスプリング式可動性栓塞部付き顎義歯の有用性. 顎顔面補綴 35(1): 36-43, 2012. |
1 | 濱田良樹. 慢性顎関節クローズドロックの臨床 東北大学歯学雑誌30(1):1-10, 2011. |
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Kazutoshi Nakaoka, Hiroyuki Yamada, Toshikatsu Horiuchi, Tomoyuki Saito, Go Arai, Kenichi Kumagai, Ko Ito, Yoshiki Hamada. A case of simple bone cyst in the mandible with remarkable tooth resorption. J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol 25 (1): 93-96, 2013. |
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Yoshiki Fujii, Kazutaka Kitaura, Takaji Matsutani, Kenji Shirai, Satsuki Suzuki, Tomohiko Takasaki, Kenichi Kumagai, Yoshie Kametani, Takashi Shiina, Shuji Takabayashi, Hideki Katoh, Yoshiki Hamada, Ichiro Kurane, Ryuji Suzuki. Immune-Related Gene Expression Profile in Laboratory Common Marmosets Assessed by an Accurate Quantitative Real-Time PCR Using Selected Reference Genes. PLOS ONE 8 (2): e56296, 2013. |
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Masahiro Wake, Yoshiki Hamada, Kenichi Kumagai, Nobuko Tanaka, Yasuko Ikeda, Yasunori Nakatani, Ryuji Suzuki, Naoshi Fukui. Up-regulation of interleukin-6 and vascular endothelial growth factor-A in the synovial fluid of temporomandibular joints affected with synovial chondromatosis. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 51: 64-169, 2013. |
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Hiroshi Kobayashi, Kenichi Kumagai, Akito Gotoh, Takanori Eguchi, Hiroyuki Yamada, Yoshiki Hamada, Satsuki Suzuki, Ryuji Suzuki. Upregulation of epidermal growth factor receptor 4 in oral leukoplakia. Int J Oral Sci 5 (1): 14-20, 2013. |
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Yuka Yamamura, Hiroyuki Yamada, Takashi Sakurai, Fumio Ide, Hiroko Inoue, Takashi Muramatsu, Kenji Mishima, Yoshiki Hamada, Ichiro Saito. Treatment of salivary gland hypofunction by transplantation with dental pulp cells. Arch Oral Biol (in press) 2013. |
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Hiroshi Kobayashi, Kenichi Kumagai, Takanori Eguchi, Hiroaki Shigematsu, Kazutaka Kitaura, Mitsuko Kawano, Tatsuya Horikawa, Satsuki Suzuki, Takaji Matsutani, Kouetsu Ogasawara, Yoshiki Hamada, Ryuji Suzuki Characterization of T cell receptors of Th1 cells infiltrating inflamed skin of a novel murine model of Palladium-induced metal allergy PLOS ONE 2013 Oct 3;8(10):e76385. |
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Takanori Eguchi, Kenichi Kumagai, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Hiroaki Shigematsu, Kazutaka Kitaura, Satsuki Suzuki, Tatsuya Horikawa, Yoshiki Hamada, Kouetsu Ogasawara, Ryuji Suzuki Accumulation of invariant NKT cells into inflamed skin in a novel murine model of nickel allergy Cellular Immunology, 2013 Jul-Aug;284(1-2):163-71. |
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濱田 良樹, 山田 浩之, 中岡 一敏, 小川 匠, 重田 優子, 井川 知子, 平井 真也, 平林 里大, 水野 行博, 川村 昇, 原田 直彦, 市川 雅之 カスタムメイド・チタンメッシュトレーと自家海綿骨骨髄細片を用いた下顎骨再建 頭頸部癌 Vol. 39 2013 422-429 |
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Yoko Tanaka, Hiroyuki Yamada, Tomoyuki Saito, Kazutoshi Nakaoka, Kenich Kumagai, Hisako Fujihara, Kenji Mishima, Yoshiki Hamada Solitary myofibroma of the mandible in an adult with magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography findings: a case report World Journal of Surgical Oncology, 2014 Mar 28;12(1):69. |
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Keisuke Fujii, Kenichi Kumagai, Ryuji Suzuki, Yoshiki Hamada Clinicopathological significance and prognostic value of CD133 expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine and Pathology (JOMSMP-D-13-00117R2) 2014 in press |
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Kawaguchi K, Amemiya T, Shimizu H, Hamada Y. Image-guided robotic stereotactic radiotherapy for synchronous cancer of maxillary gingiva and lung. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2014 Jun;43(6):692-5. |
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Hiroaki Shigematsu, Kenichi Kumagai, Takanori Eguchi, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Kazutaka Kitaura, Mitsuko Kawano, Tatsuya Horikawa, Satsuki Suzuki, Takaji Matsutani, Kouetsu Ogasawara, Yoshiki Hamada, Ryuji Suzuki Accumulation of metal-specific T cells in inflamed skin in a novel murine model of Chromium-induced allergic contact dermatitis PLOS ONE PLoS One. 2014 Jan 20;9(1):e85983. |
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Hiroyuki Yamada, Kazutoshi Nakaoka, Toshikatsu Horiuchi, Kenichi Kumagai, Tomoko Ikawa, Yuko Shigeta, Eisaku Imamura, Mitsuyoshi Iino, Takumi Ogawa, Yoshiki Hamada Mandibular reconstruction using custom-made titanium mesh tray and particulate cancellous bone and marrow harvested from bilateral posterior ilia Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery (JPHS-2013-0125R1) Impact Factor:0.539 |
6 | Tsumuraya G, Yamada H, Shimizu H, Hamada Y. Intramuscular lipoma in the masseter muscle: a case report.Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2014 Apr;52(4):e21-3. |
7 | Tsuyoshi Amemiya,Yugo Fukayo, Kazutoshi Nakaoka, Yoshiki Hamada, Tohru Hayakawa. Tissue Response of Surface-Modified Three-Dimensional Titanium Fiber Structure.J Hard Tissue Biol 23: 137-148, 2014. |
8 | Kazuo Shimazaki, Kunihiko Otsubo, Ikuo Yonemitsu,Sachiko Kimizuka, Susumu Omura, Takashi Ono. Severe unilateral scissor bite and bimaxillary protrusion treated by horseshoe Le Fort I osteotomy combined with mid-alveolar osteotomy Angle Orthod 84: 374-379, 2014. |
9 | Yoko Tanaka,Hiroyuki Yamada,Tomoyuki Saito,Kazutoshi Nakaoka,Kenichi Kumagai,Hisako Fujihara, Kenji Mishima,Yoshiki Hamada. Solitary myofibroma of the mandible in an adult with magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography findings: a case report World J Surg Oncol 28;12: 69, 2014. |
10 | Keisuke Fujii,Kenichi Kumagai, Ryuji Suzuki,Yoshiki Hamada. Keisuke Fujii, Kenichi Kumagai, Ryuji Suzuki, Yoshiki Hamada. Clinicopathological significance and prognostic value of CD133 expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol 27: 176–182, 2014. |
11 | Hiroaki Shigematsu,Kenichi Kumagai,Takanori Eguchi,Hiroshi Kobayashi, Kazutaka Kitaura, Mitsuko Kawano, Tatsuya Horikawa, Satsuki Suzuki, Takaji Matsutani, Kouetsu Ogasawara,Yoshiki Hamada, Ryuji Suzuki. Accumulation of metal-specific T cells in inflamed skin in a novel murine model of Chromium-induced allergic contact dermatitis PLoS ONE 20; 9: e85983, 2014. |
12 | Hiroyuki Yamada,Kazutoshi Nakaoka,Toshikatsu Horiuchi,Kenichi Kumagai, Tomoko Ikawa, Yuko Shigeta,Eisaku Imamura, Mitsuyoshi Iino, Takumi Ogawa,Yoshiki Hamada. Mandibular reconstruction using custom-made titanium mesh tray and particulate cancellous bone and marrow harvested from bilateral posterior ilia J Plast Surg Hand Surg 48: 183-90, 2014. |
13 | Go Tsumuraya, Hiroyuki Yamada, Hajime Shimizu, Yoshiki Hamada. Tissue response of surface-modified three-dimensional titanium fiber structure. J. Hard Tissue Biol 23: 137-148, 2014. |
1 | 新井 剛、山田浩之、中岡一敏、堀内俊克、下田正穂、濱田良樹.下顎に発生したエナメル上皮線維象牙質腫の1例.日本口腔外科学会雑誌 60: 204-208, 2014. |
2 | 君塚幸子、大村 進、岡本善之、青木伸二郎、岩井俊憲、廣田 誠、濱田良樹、藤内 祝.上顎前歯部歯槽骨欠損に歯科矯正治療と骨移植に対する垂直的仮骨延長を併用してインプラント治療を施行した1例. 顎顔面インプラント誌 13: 261-267, 2014. |
3 | 濱田 良樹, 山田 浩之, 熊谷 賢一, 中岡 一敏, 堀内 俊克, 川口 浩司.カスタムメイド・チタンメッシュトレーと自家腸骨/脛骨海綿骨骨髄細片による下顎骨再建の臨床的有用性.日本口腔腫瘍学会誌 26: 78-88, 2014. |
4 | 柴山江里子、飯野光喜、山田浩之、鈴木麻美、山﨑陽子、濱田良樹.下顎水平埋伏智歯抜去時の下歯槽動脈分枝からの出血に対して経カテーテル的動脈塞栓術を施行した1例. 日本口腔科学会雑誌 63: 279-283, 2014. |
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Nakaoka K, Hamada H, Nakatani H, Shigeta Y, Hirai S, Ikawa T, Mishima A, Ogawa T. Surgical intervention for masticatory muscle tendon-aponeurosis hyperplasia based on the diagnosis using the 4-dimensional muscle model. J Craniofac Surg. 26: 1871-1876, 2015. |
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Miyata Y, Kumagai K, Nagaoka T, Kitaura K, Kaneda G, Kanazawa H, Suzuki S, Hamada Y., Suzuki R. Clinicopathological significance and prognostic value of Wilms’ tumor gene expression in colorectal cancer. Cancer Biomark. 15: 789-797, 2015. |
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Kishi Y, Fujihara S, Kawaguchi K, Yamada H, Nakayama R, Yamamoto N, Fujihara Y, Hamada Y, Satomura K, Masutani M. PARP inhibitor PJ34 suppresses osteogenic differentiation in mouse mesenchymal stem cells by modulating BMP-2 signaling pathway. Int J Mol Sci. 19; 16: 24820-24838, 2015. |
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Kumagai K, Suzuki S, Kanri Y, Matsubara R, Fujii K, Wake M, Suzuki R, Hamada Y. Spontaneously developed osteoarthritis in the temporomandibular joint in STR/ort mice. Biomed Rep. 3: 453-456, 2015. |
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Fujii K, Kumagai K, Suzuki R, Hamada Y. linicopathological significance and prognostic value of CD133 expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma. J Oral Maxillofac Surg, Med Pathol. 27: 176-182, 2015. |
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藤原久子、山田浩之、岸悠太、熊谷賢一、中岡一敏、濱田良樹. サルコイドーシスとの鑑別が困難であった口腔パラコクシジオイデス症の1例. 日口外誌 61:36-40, 2015. |
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高松朋矢, 山田浩之, 久保田卓, 石田璃久磨, 今村栄作, 濱田良樹. 口底に生じた器質化血腫の1例. 日口外誌 61:164-167, 2015. |
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馬杉亮彦、山田浩之、中谷逸希、伊藤由美、斎藤一郎、濱田良樹. 下唇部の皮下に発生した軟骨様汗管腫の1例. 日口外誌 61:599-602, 2015. |
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園山智生,新井剛,重松宏昭,佐藤光一郎,小笠原邦茂,濱田良樹. デンタルインプラント除去後に発生した急性下肢動脈閉塞症の1例. 有病者歯医療 24:168-173, 2015. |
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熊谷賢一, 山田浩之, 長谷部充彦, 佐藤光一郎, 馬杉亮彦, 園山智生, 濱田良樹. 自家腸骨海綿骨細片移植による即時顎堤再建後にインプラント治療を施行した歯原性線維腫の1例. 日口腔診断会誌 28:221-225, 2015. |
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君塚幸子,福山英治,米満郁男,島崎一夫,大村進,濱田良樹,藤内祝. 顔面非対称に対して上下顎同時骨延長術を適用したMarfan症候群の1例. 日顎変形誌 25:49-55, 2015. |
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Ohashi Y, Kumagai K, Miyata Y, Matsubara R, Kitaura K, Suzuki S, Hamada Y, Suzuki R. Overexpression of ErbB4 is an independent marker for lymph node metastasis in Japanese patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 122:313-21, 2016. |
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Yamada H, Nakaoka K, Sonoyama T, Kumagai K, Ikawa T, Shigeta Y, Harada N, Kawamura N, Ogawa T, Hamada Y. Clinical Usefulness of Mandibular Reconstruction Using Custom-Made Titanium Mesh Tray and Autogenous Particulate Cancellous Bone and Marrow Harvested From Tibia and/or Ilia. J Craniofac Surg 27:586-92, 2016. |
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Nagaoka T, Kitaura K, Miyata Y, Kumagai K, Kaneda G, Kanazawa H, Suzuki S, Hamada Y, Suzuki R. Downregulation of epidermal growth factor receptor family receptors and ligands in a mutant K-ras group of patients with colorectal cancer. Mol Med Rep 13:3514-20, 2016. |
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Yasukawa M, Fujihara H, Fujimori H, Kawaguchi K, Yamada H, Nakayama R, Yamamoto N, Kishi Y, Hamada Y, Masutani M. Synergetic Effects of PARP Inhibitor AZD2281 and Cisplatin in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Vitro and in Vivo. Int J Mol Sci 24;17:272, 2016. |
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Kawaguchi K,Eguchi T,Horie A, Kumagai K, Hasebe M, Amemiya T, Hamada Y. An Immediate Reconstructive Surgery with a Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous Flap using the LigaSureImpact? Vessel-sealing Device; A Technical Case Report. Int J Dent Oral Health 1: 6, 2016. |
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Kurokawa M, Kanzaki H, Tokiwa H, Handa H, Nakaoka K, Hamada Y, Kato H, Nakamura Y. The main occluding area in normal occlusion and mandibular prognathism. Angle Orthod 86:87-93, 2016. |
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Eguchi T, Kawaguchi K, Basugi A, Kanai I, Hamada Y. Intraoperative real-time assessment of blood flow using indocyanine green angiography after anastomoses in free-flap reconstructions. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 55:628-630, 2017. |
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Hasebe M, Yoshikawa K, Nishii R, Kawaguchi K, Kamada T, Hamada Y. Usefulness of 11C-methionine-PET for predicting the efficacy of carbon ion radiation therapy for head and neck mucosal malignant melanoma. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 46:1220-1228, 2017. |
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Matsubara R, Kumagai K, Shigematsu H, Kitaura K, Nakasone Y, Suzuki S, Hamada Y, Suzuki R. Fexofenadine Suppresses Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity in the Murine Model of Palladium Allergy. Int J Mol Sci 25;18 2017. |
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Miyamoto Y, Kanzaki H, Wada S, Tsuruoka S, Itohiya K, Kumagai K, Hamada Y, Nakamura Y. Asporin stably expressed in the surface layer of mandibular condylar cartilage and augmented in the deeper layer with age. Bone Rep 23: 7, 41-50, 2017. |
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Eguchi T, Kanai I, Basugi A, Miyata Y, Inoue M, Hamada Y. The assessment of surgical and non-surgical treatment of stage II medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 22: e788-795, 2017. |
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Yamamoto N, Kawaguchi K, Fujihara H, Hasebe M, Kishi Y, Yasukawa M, Kumagai K, Hamada Y. Detection accuracy for epithelial dysplasia using an objective autofluorescence visualization method based on the luminance ratio. Int J Oral Sci 10: 9, e2, 2017. |
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Kawaguchi K, Horie A, Saito T, Iida N, Suzuki M, Haneji K, Hamada Y. Vessel Sealing Bipolar may Contribute to Safety Bloodless Resection for the Patients with Hemangioma of the Tongue. Int J Dent Oral Health 3(5): 2017. |
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Kumagai K, Matsubara R, Nakasone Y, Shigematsu H, Kitaura K, Suzuki S, Hamada Y, Suzuki R. Possible involvement of invariant natural killer T cells and mucosal-associated invariant T cells in a murine model of titanium allergy. J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol 30: 1, 1-9, 2018. |
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Aoyama I, Oikawa T, Nakaoka K, Sekiya T, Hamada Y, Nakamura Y. Lip Morphology in Patients With Facial Asymmetry Can Be Corrected by 2-Jaw Surgery. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 76:2404-2410, 2018. |
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Nakasone Y, Kumagai K, Matsubara R, Shigematsu H, Kitaura K, Suzuki S, Satoh M, Hamada Y, Suzuki R. Characterization of T cell receptors in a novel murine model of nickel-induced intraoral metal contact allergy. PLoS One. 17;13:e0209248, 2018 |
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Kihara T, Ikawa T, Shigeta Y, Shigemoto S, Nakaoka K, Hamada Y, Ogawa T. Mandibular 3-dimensional finite element analysis for a patient with an aggressive form of craniofacial fibrous dysplasia. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 128:e214-e222, 2019. |
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Fujihara H, Nozaki T, Tsutsumi M, Isumi M, Shimoda S, Hamada Y, Masutani M. Spontaneous Development of Dental Dysplasia in Aged Parp-1 Knockout Mice. Cells. 27;8:1157, 2019. |
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Shigematsu H, Kumagai K, Suzuki M, Eguchi T, Matsubara R, Nakasone Y, Nasu K, Yoshizawa T, Ichikawa H, Mori T, Hamada Y, Suzuki R. Cross-Reactivity of Palladium in a Murine Model of Metal-Induced Allergic Contact Dermatitis. Int J Mol Sci. 5;21:4061, 2020. |
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Koji Kawaguchi, Kazutoshi Nakaoka, Takanori Eguchi, Mitsuhiko Hasebe, Tomoyuki Saito, Nanami Nakamura, Hisako Fujihara, Go Arai, Shuji Koyamaand Yoshiki Hamada. A Device for Polypectomy May Contribute to Safety in Bloodless Resection of a Small Hemangioma of the Tongue under Local Anesthesia. Journal of Surgical Oncology 3(2):2-3. 2020. |
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Koji Kawaguchi, Hisako Fujihara, Mitsuhiko Hasebe, Mami Suzuki, Shuji Koyama, Masaaki Yasukawa Reusable Vessel Sealing Device Can Significantly Reduce Medical Costs Compared to Disposable Device in Modified Total Neck Dissection. Journal of Surgical Oncology 3(4): 1-4. 2020. |
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Takahiro Mori, Kenichi Kumagai, Keisuke Nasu, Takamasa Yoshizawa, Koji Kuwano, Yoshiki Hamada, Hideki Kanazawa, RyujiSuzuki. Clonal expansion of tumor-infiltrating T cells and analysis of the tumor microenvironment within esophageal squamous cell carcinoma relapsed after definitive chemoradiation therapy. Int J Mol Sci 22: E1098, 2021. |
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Sachiko Kimizuka, Hisako Fujihara, Yumi Ito, Akira Tanaka, Hiroyuki Yamada, Yoshiki Hamada. Clinical pitfall with Chievitz’s organ: A case report of tongue cancer. J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol 33: 272-275, 2021. |
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Yumi Ito, Michiko Nishimura, Kentaro Kikuchi, Yoshiki Hamada, Ikuko Ogawa, Fumio Ide. Oncocytic polyp in a unicystic mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the palate: A unique presentation. Int J Surg Pathol: http://doi.org/10.1177/10668969211018266, 2021. |
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Reiko Tokuyama-Toda, Masaaki Muraoka, Chika Terada-Ito, Shinji Ide, Toshikatsu Horiuchi, Tsuyoshi Amemiya, Airi Fukuoka, Yoshiki Hamada, Shunsuke Sejima, Kazuhito Satomura. Feasibility of rapid diagnostic technology for SARS-CoV-2 Virus using a trace amount of saliva.Diagnostics 11: 2024, 2021. https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics11112024 |
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Masaaki Yasukawa, Hisako Fujihara, Yumi Ito, Hironori Ara, Hiroyuki Yamada, Yoshiki Hamada. Spindle cell lipoma developing in the parotid gland: A case report J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol 33(6), 614 – 618, 2021 |
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雨宮剛志、堀内俊克、福岡愛理、長谷部允彦、濱田良樹. 骨髄異形成症候群に起因した好中球減少症の患者に抜歯後感染を生じた1例.有病者歯科医療30(2): 106-112, 2021. |
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北條秀樹,中岡一敏,君塚幸子,山田秀典, 長谷部充彦,石塚忠利,川口浩司,濱田良樹. 下顎亜全摘後にカスタムメイド・チタンメッシュトレーとPCBM による下顎骨再建と歯科インプラントによる咬合再建を行った1 例. 日本顎顔面インプラント学会誌 20(1),45-50,2021. |
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山﨑陽子, 髙田典彦, 岸 悠太, 鈴木麻美, 北條秀樹, 濱田良樹. 口蓋に発生した壊死性唾液腺化生の1例. 日本口腔診断学会雑誌 34(2): 139-144, 2021. |
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新井 剛, 斎藤知之, 長谷部充彦, 江口貴紀, 佐藤光一郎, 濱田良樹. 舌に発生した横紋筋腫の1例. 日本口腔外科学会雑誌 67(7): 443-446, 2021. |
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加藤晃一郎, 堀江彰久, 大橋祥浩, 増田千恵子, 岸悠太, 熊谷賢一, 濱田良樹. ニボルマブを含む集学的治療が著効した下顎歯肉扁平上皮癌の1例 日本口腔腫瘍学会誌33(2):47-54, 2021. |
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熊谷 賢一, 松原 陵太, 濱田 良樹, 鈴木 隆二 金属アレルギー発症モデルマウスによる病態解明と新規診断・治療法への可能性 アレルギーの臨床 41:983-987 2021. |
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野中咲、笠原英生、水書智子、石井宏昭 上顎正中部に3歯の埋伏過剰歯が見られた1症例 日本口腔診断学会雑誌1(1):14-19, 2021 |
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松本和弘, 森田浩光, 宮地斉, 安田順一, 小笠原正, 川口浩司, 他. 私立歯科大学17校における院内感染対策教育と職業感染サーベイランスについての5年間の調査報告. 日歯教誌37(1):24-31,2021. |
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Koichiro Sato, Kazutoshi Nakaoka, Haruna Yabe, Takanori Eguchi, Kenichi Kumagai, GoArai, Yumi Ito, Yoshiki Hamada. Epstein–Barr-virus-infected plasma cells infiltrating plasma cell mucositis of the oral cavity and larynx. J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol 2022. |
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Takanori Eguchi, Akihiko Basugi, Koji Kawaguchi, Koichiro Sato, Yoshiki Hamada. Clinical outcomes of open and closed management after surgical treatments in patients with medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg 123(1):27-30, 2022. |
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Nanami Nakamura, Hisako Fujihara, Koji Kawaguchi, Hiroyuki Yamada, Ryoko Nakayama, Masaaki Yasukawa, Yuta Kishi, Yoshiki Hamada, Mitsuko Masutani. Possible role of olaparib for preventing invasion of oral squamous cell carcinoma in vitro and in vivo. Int J Mol Sci 25;23(5):2527.2022. |
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岸 悠太, 高田典彦, 山﨑陽子, 鈴木麻美, 北條秀樹, 濱田良樹. 下唇の知覚異常を契機として診断に至った顎関節部滑膜嚢胞と思われた1例. 日本口腔診断学会雑誌 35(1): 55-60, 2022. |
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石塚忠利,中岡一敏, 新井剛, 江口貴紀, 北條秀樹, 濱田良樹. High perimandibular approachを用いて切除した咬筋内血管腫の2例. 日本口腔外科学会雑誌 68(4): 201-205, 2022. |
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大森一星, 川邉瑠璃子, 橋本優希, 三井彩, 重松宏昭, 大松華子. 口腔内に限局した粘膜類天疱瘡の1例 皮膚科の臨床 64(1) 51-54 2022. |
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重松 宏昭, 馬杉 亮彦, 宮田 幸長, 長谷部 充彦, 新井 剛, 濱田 良樹. 上唇に発生した多形腺腫由来癌の1例 日本口腔外科学会雑誌 68(5) 226 - 232 2022. |