ICPE International Conference on Information Capital, Property, and Ethics

The 5th International Conference on Information Capital, Property, & Ethics (ICPE-2013) was held at Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan . Scholars and professionals interested in intellectual property issues, information studies, and international politics are invited to submit a paper or poster and also to participate in the conference that brings together scholars and professionals from various countries .


日時 Conference Date
2013年12月6日(金) - 12月7日(土)
December 6-7, 2013
場所 Conference Venue
鶴見大学 記念館3階 第3講堂 および 第4講堂
Kinen-kan (3F), Lecture Hall 3 and 4, Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan
Tsurumi 2-1-3,Tsurumi-ku,Yokohama, Japan 230-8501
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第5回 情報資本・資産・倫理研究大会のご報告 鶴見大学ドキュメンテーション学科と海外の姉妹校(北京大学情報管理学科、中国中山大学情報管理学部、世新大学情報コミュニケーション学科(台湾)を中心とする「図書館・情報管理・知的財産・情報倫理」など図書館や情報に関連する広範な領域をカバーする国際会議です。口頭発表(英語)の他に、大学院生・学部生を中心としたポスター展示も同時に行われました。国際会議には、米国、トルコ、南アフリカ、中国、台湾など海外から20名の大学教員と大学院生・学生28名、合計48名が参加し、口頭発表(英語)24件、ポスター発表26件、合計50件の研究発表が行われ、国内外から200名以上の参加がありました。

The Program and Abstracts of the 5th ICPE2013 国際会議要旨集のロゴ
poster_award ポスターアワードのロゴ

The conference was held at Tsurumi University Kinenkan Hall and was brought together scholars and professionals interested in intellectual property issues, information studies and international politics. The theme of the conference is "Globalizing Intellectual Property: The Geopolitics and Ethics of Information Rights.," It was expected that high quality papers will emerge from this conference, and that it will lead to our increased understanding of the dynamics of information capital as represented by intellectual property, and how geopolitics affect information ethics. Areas of interest include. It was also expected that lasting and productive linkages will be developed among the participating scholars from various parts of the world.The 20 faculties and 28 students from overseas, such as the United States, Turkey, South Africa, China and Taiwan, took part in the 5th ICPE2013. A total of 50 research presentations, 24 oral and 26 poster presentations, were held in the 5th ICPE2013. More than 200 faculties and students from both home and abroad participated in the 5th ICPE2013.